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Samsung Galaxy Y S5360 price and specificationsRs.6,000

Seller Information

Seller Name
Unknown Person
Location: Lahore, Category: Mobile-Phones in Pakistan on March 13, 2013 4:32am

Condition: 1, No Warranty

Ad Posted By Home User AD ID: 36010 used

I want to sell my Samsung Galaxy Y S5360
Set is with all accessories....
i have Charger, Hands Free, Data Cable and 4GB Card.....
Protector on screen.....
Set is in black color ...
I have back fancy cover in black. want to sell it urgent....
A lots of Games and applications installed in it...
its can update to android phone version....4.0.1
resistive touch screen 3.0 inches
Processor: 837MHz ARMv6
Ram: 290MB Ram
Storage:190MB built-in + Micro SD card slot up to 32GB
2MP camera
Bluetooth and much more...
Only exchange with HTC i will pay the cash difference....
Specifications on the link above... link

Q: What is Samsung Galaxy Y S5360 price in Lahore Pakistan

A: Samsung Galaxy Y S5360 price in Lahore Pakistan is Rs.6,000

Q: How can I buy Samsung Galaxy Y S5360 in Lahore Pakistan

A: Buying Samsung Galaxy Y S5360 is very easy on BSAPK, just dial the cell phone number provided above in Seller Information block and ask seller about Samsung Galaxy Y S5360

Q: Can I buy anything related to Samsung Galaxy Y S5360 on BSAPK?

A: Yes, of course you can buy anything related to Samsung Galaxy Y S5360 on BSAPK.

Q: Can I buy Samsung Galaxy Y S5360 on BSAPK using my credit card?

A: We are sorry that you cannot buy Samsung Galaxy Y S5360 on BSAPK using your credit or debit card because we are not providing any services to sell online.

Q: Can I buy or sell my Samsung Galaxy Y S5360 on BSAPK?

A: Yes, you can buy or sell anything on BSAPK and the best thing is, it is absolutely free.

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