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Handmade Painting Portrait price and specificationsRs.123,457,000

Seller Information

Seller Name
Mujtaba Ahmed
Location: Islamabad, Category: Miscellaneous in Pakistan on July 1, 2013 1:50pm

Condition: , No Warranty

Ad Posted By Home User AD ID: 45589 new

We look for the finest art available in any category, including but not limited to: American and European folk art, oil paintings, prints, blown and cut glass, toys, tin and glass plate photographs, nautical items Louis Vinton luggage. We are also seeking the following 20th century names: Stickney, Rycroft, Lamberts, Frank Lloyd Wright, Nakashima, Eames, Herman Miller, Ply craft, Knoll, Hans Wagner, Rookwood, Fuller, Grubby, Taco, and Sprawling. Take clear digital photographs of all sides of the item along with close-ups of details, marks, signatures, and any damage or repairs. Provide measurements of the item, specific to details. For example the height of the back of the chair, the length of the arms, the width of the seat etc. Note the price that you wish to realize for your item. We do not make offers. We consider offers to be a form of appraisal which is a service that we charge for.

Q: What is Handmade Painting Portrait price in Islamabad Pakistan

A: Handmade Painting Portrait price in Islamabad Pakistan is Rs.123,457,000

Q: How can I buy Handmade Painting Portrait in Islamabad Pakistan

A: Buying Handmade Painting Portrait is very easy on BSAPK, just dial the cell phone number provided above in Seller Information block and ask seller about Handmade Painting Portrait

Q: Can I buy anything related to Handmade Painting Portrait on BSAPK?

A: Yes, of course you can buy anything related to Handmade Painting Portrait on BSAPK.

Q: Can I buy Handmade Painting Portrait on BSAPK using my credit card?

A: We are sorry that you cannot buy Handmade Painting Portrait on BSAPK using your credit or debit card because we are not providing any services to sell online.

Q: Can I buy or sell my Handmade Painting Portrait on BSAPK?

A: Yes, you can buy or sell anything on BSAPK and the best thing is, it is absolutely free.

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