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Toshiba Sattelite A665-s5184x (Core i7) price and specificationsRs.50,000

Seller Information

Seller Name
Abdullah Tariq
Location: Faisalabad, Category: Laptops in Pakistan on July 1, 2013 9:41pm

Condition: 1, No Warranty

Ad Posted By Home User AD ID: 45287 used

IntelÃ,® Corei7-26 30QM processor
Operating System*
Windows 7 Home Premium (64-bit)
Graphics Engine*
IntelÃ,® 3000 HD Graphics
Graphics Memory*
64MB-1696MB dynamically allocated shared graphics memory

Memory and Storage:
6GB DDR3 1333MHz memory
Hard Drive*
500GB HDD (5400rpm, Serial ATA)
Optical Drive*
Blu-ray Disc ROM (BD-ROM) and DVD Super Multi drive (+/-R double layer) with Label flashÃ,®

Audio and Video:
Display Size
15.6" widescreen
Display Type*
HD TruBriteÃ,® LED Backlit display with IntelÃ,® Wireless Display Technology
Display Resolution
1366x768 (HD), 16:9 aspect ratio, Supports 720p content
Built-in microphone, Headphone jack (stereo), Microphone jack (mono), harman/kardonÃ,® stereo speakers

Memory Card Reader
USB Ports
1-USB (3.0) port with USB Sleep and Charge, 3-USB (2.0)

HDMIÃ,® output port

Webcam and microphone
Wireless LAN*
IntelÃ,® Wi-FiÃ,® Wireless networking (802.11b/g/n + WiDi Capable)
No Bluetooth (No Antenna)
with external bluetooth device
No Modem port
10/100 Ethernet LAN

AC Adapter
65W (19V 3.42A) Auto-sensing, 100-240V / 50-60Hz input
High Capacity Li-Ion (98Wh, 12-cell)
Battery Life*
Up to 9.25 hours

Q: What is Toshiba Sattelite A665-s5184x (Core i7) price in Faisalabad Pakistan

A: Toshiba Sattelite A665-s5184x (Core i7) price in Faisalabad Pakistan is Rs.50,000

Q: How can I buy Toshiba Sattelite A665-s5184x (Core i7) in Faisalabad Pakistan

A: Buying Toshiba Sattelite A665-s5184x (Core i7) is very easy on BSAPK, just dial the cell phone number provided above in Seller Information block and ask seller about Toshiba Sattelite A665-s5184x (Core i7)

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A: Yes, of course you can buy anything related to Toshiba Sattelite A665-s5184x (Core i7) on BSAPK.

Q: Can I buy Toshiba Sattelite A665-s5184x (Core i7) on BSAPK using my credit card?

A: We are sorry that you cannot buy Toshiba Sattelite A665-s5184x (Core i7) on BSAPK using your credit or debit card because we are not providing any services to sell online.

Q: Can I buy or sell my Toshiba Sattelite A665-s5184x (Core i7) on BSAPK?

A: Yes, you can buy or sell anything on BSAPK and the best thing is, it is absolutely free.

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