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Ladies Gym in karachi price and specificationsRs.999

Seller Information

Seller Name
Sharjeel Jamil
Location: Karachi, Category: Accessories in Pakistan on February 6, 2013 8:53pm

Condition: , Warranty: 12+ Months

Ad Posted By Home User AD ID: 32925 new

  • Ladies Gym in karachi
The Smart Fitness Club which provides Aerobic classes, Child Yoga, Special Yoga Classes, Zumba Classes, Balls Exercise, Gym ,beauty Tips and much more.....

Fees Only 999 RS

Also Provide Training

Q: What is Ladies Gym in karachi price in Karachi Pakistan

A: Ladies Gym in karachi price in Karachi Pakistan is Rs.999

Q: How can I buy Ladies Gym in karachi in Karachi Pakistan

A: Buying Ladies Gym in karachi is very easy on BSAPK, just dial the cell phone number provided above in Seller Information block and ask seller about Ladies Gym in karachi

Q: Can I buy anything related to Ladies Gym in karachi on BSAPK?

A: Yes, of course you can buy anything related to Ladies Gym in karachi on BSAPK.

Q: Can I buy Ladies Gym in karachi on BSAPK using my credit card?

A: We are sorry that you cannot buy Ladies Gym in karachi on BSAPK using your credit or debit card because we are not providing any services to sell online.

Q: Can I buy or sell my Ladies Gym in karachi on BSAPK?

A: Yes, you can buy or sell anything on BSAPK and the best thing is, it is absolutely free.

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